False | class | finally | is | return |
None | continue | for | lambda | try |
True | def | from | nonlocal | while |
and | del | global | not | with |
as | elif | if | or | yield |
assert | else | import | pass | |
break | except | in | raise |
abs() | divmod() | input() | open() | staticmethod() |
all() | enumerate() | int() | ord() | str() |
any() | eval() | isinstance() | pow() | sum() |
basestring() | execfile() | issubclass() | print() | super() |
bin() | file() | iter() | property() | tuple() |
bool() | filter() | len() | range() | type() |
bytearray() | float() | list() | raw_input() | unichr() |
callable() | format() | locals() | reduce() | unicode() |
chr() | frozenset() | long() | reload() | vars() |
classmethod() | getattr() | map() | repr() | xrange() |
cmp() | globals() | max() | reversed() | zip() |
compile() | hasattr() | memoryview() | round() | _import_() |
complex() | hash() | min() | set() | apply() |
delattr() | help() | next() | setattr() | buffer() |
dict() | hex() | object() | slice() | coerce() |
dir() | id() | oct() | sorted() | intern() |
- 变量名用小写字母,以_表示空格
- 函数名用小写字母,以_表示空格
- 类名采用驼峰命名法,不使用_
- 实例名和模块名采用小写字母,单词之间加_
- 在类中,使用一个空行来分隔方法
- 在模块中,使用两个空行来分隔类
- 先导入标准库模块,添加一个空行,再导入自己编写的模块